yes and much more, see below
Acceleration Phase
Eyes focused on the track to keep low to allow the build up of speed
Forward lean of the whole body with a straight line through the head, spine and extended rear leg
Face and neck muscles relaxed (no tension)
Shoulders held back and relaxed, square in the lane at all times
Arms move with a smooth forward backward action - not across the body - drive back with elbows - hands move from approx. shoulder height to hips
Elbows maintained at 90 degrees
Hands Relaxed - fingers loosely curled - thumb uppermost
Legs - fully extended rear leg pushing off the track with the toes - drive the leg forward with a high knee action with the knee pointing forward and with the heel striking under the backside (not the back of the backside as the knee is low and pointing down to the ground) - extend lower leg forward of knee (rear leg drive will propel the foot forward of the knee) with toes turned up - bring foot down in a claw action with a toe strike on the track vertically below the knee - pull the ground under you into a full rear leg extension - (elbow drive assisting the whole action)
On the toes at all times - feet pointing forward straight down the lane
Elbow drive commences just before rear leg drive
Fast leg action, good stride length allowing continual acceleration
Appearance of being smooth and relaxed but driving hard with elbows and legs
The drive is maintained for approx. 20-30 metres and then the whole body slowly comes into a high tall action
Stride Phase
Smooth transitions from acceleration phase to stride phase
Eyes focused at the end of the lane - tunnel vision
Head in line with the spine - held high and square
Face relaxed - jelly jaw - no tension - mouth relaxed
Chin down, not out
Shoulders held down (long neck), back (not hunched), relaxed and square in the lane at all times
Smooth forward backward action of the arms- not across the body - drive back with elbows - brush vest with elbows - hands move from shoulder height to hips for men and from bust height to hips for the ladies
Elbows held at 90 degrees at all times (angle between upper arm and lower arm)
Hands relaxed - fingers loosely curled - thumb uppermost
Hips tucked under - slight forward rotation of the hip with forward leg drive to help extend the stride
Legs - fully extended rear leg pushing off the track with the toes - drive the leg forward with a high knee action with the knee pointing forward and with the heel striking under the backside (not the back of the backside as the knee is low and pointing down to the ground) - extend lower leg forward of knee (rear leg drive will propel the foot forward of the knee) with toes turned up - bring foot down in a claw action with a toe strike on the track vertically below the knee - pull the ground under you into a full rear leg extension - (elbow drive assisting the whole action)
On the toes with the feet pointing forward straight down the lane
No signs of straining or tension in the face, neck and shoulders
Appearance of being Tall , Relaxed and Smooth with maximum Drive
Lift Phase
As the Stride Phase but with emphasis on:
High knee action (prancing)
Leg action fast and light as if running across water
Fast arms - more urgency
Hands slightly higher at the front