Should I QUIT track??
infinite moments.
2009-03-09 16:21:07 UTC
heyy, i started track today at skool and its pretty kinda overweight and seriously need to drop a few pounds...i dunno if i can last cuz they do a mile wat and why should i stay/quit track?

ps...its kinda hard for me to run..idount come in dead last but im PRETTY close...i really kinda want to do it (to lose weight and to prove that i can do it but who knows)

so cmon ppl tell me!! thanxx
44 answers:
2009-03-09 17:03:43 UTC

Never quit what you have started, Track on the first day will seem insane, its normal, really if you did not do anything during winter. The worst thing you can do is quit. Doing track brings you some kind of satisfaction when you compete at an event. I just got home from my first day of practice, and the first thing the coach said after we ran hard was not to give up never give up, it will be hard the first two weeks. You need to shed some weight. If you quit, what will happen? Track will help you shed weight, Track is a Beautiful thing, just cause the first day was not wack crazy fun dont give up. Let me tell you something, giving up will make you a fat loser, Im not trying to be mean, you quit, your friends thinking this coach's maybe, who knows. Trust me you dont want that. Now I understand Track is not for everyone. But give it some time, after like 4 weeks if you dont like it, just go to a coach and say I dont know if track is for me, they will understand. But like I said take a deep thought about it.

Track can be fun great and exciting, along with that comes hard work and motivation.

Last thing I have to say, Good luck I hope you have a great season.

My main concern is that you read this and take things into thought :)
2009-03-09 16:24:05 UTC
Don't quit! Stick with it!! It will get easier as the season goes on!!
2009-03-09 16:23:21 UTC
If you don't like it, don't do it.
Robert H
2009-03-09 16:28:07 UTC
definitely dont quit, youll be better off if you practice your running, who knows, one day you might run into some person who wants to do some pretty bad stuff to you and unlucky for you youre not in your car, but you decided not to run well look at you now you got caught and now youre in some wackos basement getting some pretty strange stuff done to your dead body.
Miguel F
2009-03-09 16:24:12 UTC
no...practice makes perfect. If you lose a few pounds and exercise more you could even someday be a track star
Marley S
2009-03-09 16:40:59 UTC
If you continue you track you WILL lose the weight. Anyone who insults you here or at school is a jerk so don't care what others think and keep on running. Getting in shape now while you are young will help you the rest of your life. Who knows you could become a world famous marathon runner. Take it from me I was a little chubby when I started track in 7th grade I have dropped 20 pounds since and I run 6 miles a day! I love it! Stick with it and so will you! Good luck and kick butt in the meets!

Oh, yeah and If you choose to get in shape on your own, you won't. You won't have anyone next to you to push you! It is so much better to have a friend.
2009-03-09 16:26:58 UTC
Stick with it!

If you want to lose weight, you have to work for it...hard!

Your first days will be the hardest, but it will get easier.

Don't quit!
2009-03-09 16:25:34 UTC
I like track. But if you don't like it. Then that's your decision. Don't do it. It would be a good excersice though.
2009-03-09 16:25:27 UTC
If you think you can do it, than you should. You have to push yourself, otherwise your situation wont change. Remember, its not about what place you come in, its about how well you do personally, so if its your goal to loose wait, and survive track, then you should do your best to accomplish it, you'll be glad you did.
2009-03-09 16:24:50 UTC
keep it up there buddy you can do it.
2009-03-09 16:24:32 UTC
Don't quit! I ran track for 2 years in middle school - i wasn't terrible, but i was no athlete either! I only have good memories from it. It's a GREAT experience, it'sll get you in shape, and it's probably the most fun sport there is just because it's so chill.
2009-03-09 16:26:20 UTC
This all depends. Back in the day when I was in school the runs (from one lap around the track to the full mile) in gym would kill me because I was overweight and extremely out of shape. There's a difference, I know. You could be like I use to be and all I did was sit at home and really only got out of the chair to eat lol or you can be active and still overweight (yes, there is a such thing).

You'll have to ask yourself if you enjoy it. It might be hard but if you do "drop a few pounds" would you find it more enjoyable? If so, stay. They accepted you on the team for a reason!
2009-03-09 16:29:32 UTC
if it's something you enjoy - then stick with it.

If you are a beginner - then it will come. But if weight is a problem, running isn't by itself the solution. It is a helper. Work on your diet also.

A warm-up is exactly that - a warm-up. I ran successfully in high school and in college. Many runner "won" the warm-up, so..... A warm-up is for stretching and getting the kinks out.

The only way to get better is to give it some time, think big picture and don't expect overnight miracles. Impossible expectations will give you impossible results.

I raced for 12 years and am coaching now, and when I started out I was barely on the varsity team of my school, it took years before I got any good. By my junior year I was #1 on my team and even went on to big successes in college track. It just takes time.
2009-03-09 16:35:33 UTC
Track is really difficult for chubby, people trust me I know (lol). I didn't do track cause I was too lazy but I would have liked to do some of the other events in it like shotput or discus. Track and running are two things that automatically go together. A mile for warm-up Holy Crap!!! Really you just need to do what you think you want most. I know I hate when people say that to me too but it is the total truth. I hate when I can't make up my mind lol.

GOOD LUCK!!!! I hope you figure out what you are going to do, sorry I wasn't much help d: | > lol

P.S. I would probably quit, but that is just me, I probably wouldn't even have started lol (I'm a quiter) :(
2009-03-09 16:25:05 UTC
You should do whatever you feel comfortable with but I would stick it out for a week before making your decision, running is always hard to start with and it will be a little more tough if you are on the heavy side but I don't think you will regret because as the season goes on you will get better and it will become easier, and there is the added plus of losing a little weight.
it's over ♥
2009-03-09 16:52:30 UTC

trust me the first week is ALWAYS the worst. ALWAYS.

all they do is conditioning aka running til u puke.

once u get past the first week, it gets soooooo much better.

trust me.

in winter track, the first week we ran 2 miles as a warm up every day along with push ups crunches and abs. after that, we did a light jog around the track and just worked on our events. everyone who quit regreted it.

coaches do this so that all the people who can't handle it leave early, and everyone else has a memorable season. please, dont quit. in two weeks, people will be telling you how less harder it is. once the season is over you DEFINETELY WILL regret it. dont quit, the first week is alwayss the toughest.
2009-03-09 16:42:12 UTC
Nooooo, dont quit. It's hard to run a mile for many in-shape people, so you should just stick it out. It will get easier if you push yourself, and if you want to lose weight, this is a great way to do it. My friend is in the same situation as you, and she is doing really well. Stick with it and you will definitely see an improvement!!!
bug 81694
2009-03-09 16:32:49 UTC
I think you should stay in even though its intense there is no way your weight is going to change if you don't do anything about it and track is a good way to change it. I was overweight a at the beginning if the school year and i did a sport(soccer) and lost like 20 stick it out and you will be allot happier with your decision:) :) :) :)
Tonya S
2009-03-09 16:27:27 UTC
I think you should base it on do you have any friends there that you can really hang out with? If you need to lose some weight then you should stay because just think working out at the gym is hard, costs money, and with the food temptations, isnt enough. It is a great way to lose weight, make friends, and compete. Competing is fun and stand up for your school!
2009-03-09 16:26:07 UTC
Instead of dropping those pounds, why not tone them up by lifting a few weights, and try out for the shot-put, or discus. Everyone, no matter whether they are runners, jumpers, or throwers have to warm up by some distance of jogging, so I wouldn't worry too much about coming in last in a warm-up.
2009-03-09 16:46:58 UTC
Keep doing track, but switch to field events. - That is the best way to go, you still run some, but not like a normal track runner. If you want to prove people wrong then do it, but if you're miserable quit while you're ahead. Good luck!!
2009-03-09 16:54:43 UTC
You have to decide what is best for you. If you are misserable, then maybe you shouldn't do it, but give it at least a week before deciding. It will get easier as time goes on.Plus if you don't like the running part, you could try throwing discuss, javelin or shot put.
2009-03-09 16:25:39 UTC
i think you should stick with it for at least a week or two before you decide to quit. Once you give yourself time to get into shape, you could be an amazing athlete. You won't know unless you try.

Plus, there are other events in track (jumping and throwing) that don't require you to be able to run.
<3 me Angelle-crista
2009-03-10 06:08:27 UTC
Well i kno wat your going through I started track last week and it is sooo hard. I used to do it in seventh grade so my mom and the coach are like you should do track your fast and crap.

But my coach is making me hate track the practices is harder than the meet itself.

I guess cuz i'm on varsity but I really want to quit but my mom's like you need a scholorship and stupid stuff. I think i'm going to quit track just isn't me anymore i love basketball though.
2009-03-09 16:27:06 UTC
Here is the deal. You should do it because you need to push yourself, it will teach you not to quit and to be persistent in life. Especially when it comes to loosing weight, things that are worth doing are never easy. So don't quit now, push yourself as far as you can.

Then again I never understood why people would choose to run...
2009-03-09 16:33:25 UTC
Talk to your coach and tell him that you dong want to race you just want to practice with them and maybe if you could take it at your own pace.

My friend was 165 pounds and during the summer he dropped to 115 because he ran every day. He is now joining us in track and Cross Country.

Stick with it and I guarantee you will see improvement.
Panic At the disco rules!$!$!$!$
2009-03-09 16:32:20 UTC
Track can get pretty intense, trust me i know! I think its awesome challenging yourself. I also think that its good that you are trying to keep you're body in better condition, but if you are not enjoying track and you dread doing it, then stop! don't force yourself to do something you don't enyoy. If you don't like track but want to do something physical, try something like swimming, soccer, basketball, ect. there is tons of options besides track, i hope i helped PEACE
2009-03-09 16:28:47 UTC
i think u should stay with it. even if u was to have come in last dont worry bout it. :-) believe me it will get sooo much easier for u. even as u lose a few pounds. if u like it im sure u will stick to it and prove urself. who nos? u could go to the olimpics one day!!!
2009-03-09 17:47:28 UTC
you option and skinny people come in last....

im a short distance sprinter so i only run 800m (1/2 mile) to warm up

i tried to do a 400m sprint which is the longest sprint and i lost by about 75m (that was the closest person to me)

so if your doing it for fun keep it up

if your doing it because you want to keep it up

if your doing it to impress people stop...
G00D Doggo
2009-03-09 16:29:11 UTC
Its just practice, you'll get better as the season goes on. Im a three time state finalist and im out of shape
John Doe
2009-03-09 16:24:20 UTC
Well if you're slightly overweight, I'd think it'd be a good option to continue running track.
2009-03-09 16:26:18 UTC
if you like it and enjoy the benefits from it, do it!! It will get easier, trust me. I have the same weight issues and started track last week. i feel healthier and have lost 2 pounds! WAHOO! i hope you get the same results!
2009-03-09 16:24:36 UTC
running a mile just as a warm up for someone who is just starting would be kinda hard. if its hard for you i would say quit and work at it this year and join again next year.

but if you think you can do it, an you really need it.

id say do it.

nothing bad can happen.
2009-03-09 16:25:05 UTC
Keep going!

track started for me too today :P

It will get easier and when you start running the pounds will drop off.

just stick with it, don't give up, take it slow if you want.

It can be gradual but never stop!
ⓛⓞⓞⓚ ⓐⓣ Lilly! ♥!
2009-03-09 16:25:41 UTC
If you like it continue it! Just practice running and stretching and practice and you could get it soon if you want it enough!

Good Luck Good Luck
2009-03-09 16:25:02 UTC
Stick with it, you'll be really happy you did.

You'll be amazed how much easier it gets by the end of next week.
2009-03-09 16:25:25 UTC
I think you should quit and lose weight on your own. Then when you lost some and are stronger you can go be in track again if you really want to.
2009-03-09 16:25:12 UTC
stick with it.

if you say you need to lose pounds then this is the PERFECT opportunity to do it.

watch, at the end of the season, you will be so happy for yourself,.
2009-03-09 16:30:54 UTC
I think you should try it for a week and see how you like it. don't give keep trying
2009-03-09 16:23:27 UTC
2009-03-09 16:29:25 UTC
fat people shouldn't run for the same reason that black people don't play hockey
2009-03-09 16:24:12 UTC
Track obviously isn't your sport.
2009-03-09 16:26:25 UTC
stay :] it would help you alot.

i would stay
2009-03-09 16:23:38 UTC
Do it. :]

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.