Never quit what you have started, Track on the first day will seem insane, its normal, really if you did not do anything during winter. The worst thing you can do is quit. Doing track brings you some kind of satisfaction when you compete at an event. I just got home from my first day of practice, and the first thing the coach said after we ran hard was not to give up never give up, it will be hard the first two weeks. You need to shed some weight. If you quit, what will happen? Track will help you shed weight, Track is a Beautiful thing, just cause the first day was not wack crazy fun dont give up. Let me tell you something, giving up will make you a fat loser, Im not trying to be mean, you quit, your friends thinking this coach's maybe, who knows. Trust me you dont want that. Now I understand Track is not for everyone. But give it some time, after like 4 weeks if you dont like it, just go to a coach and say I dont know if track is for me, they will understand. But like I said take a deep thought about it.
Track can be fun great and exciting, along with that comes hard work and motivation.
Last thing I have to say, Good luck I hope you have a great season.
My main concern is that you read this and take things into thought :)