1. I don't think so. but HS kids are notoriously cruel. But I think they will respect you for trying.
2. For building up endurance you need a good plan. this month's Runner's World has a good one. Or go to this site. This plan is so general it works for all fitness levels. http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/5k.html
3. I liked it.
4. shoes are really important. here is my two bits.
You should go to a good running store, even if you have to drive a while to get there. You can use the Runner’s World Shoe Store Finder to help you find a nearby store.
If there isn’t anything nearby you can use the Runner World’s Shoe finder to help you pick out a shoe.
Road Runner has online the “Shoe Dog”, which helps pick out shoes. If you order their shoes online, they have a very lenient return policy.
I’m lucky and I have a Road Runner store only 15 minutes from my house. If you call ahead you can make an appointment to work with the shoe dog. (A lot of running stores have something similar – so you don’t have to go to Road Runners. But this is where I have my experience.)
They take accurate measurements of your foot, determine your arch, and determine if you over-pronate or not. Then they determine which particular shoe would best meet your needs. They let you try them all on and run with them on their treadmills.
And they have a 30-day return policy.
Once you find the right shoe you can look online next time you need to buy a shoe to see if you can get it cheaper. I really like my store and it seems like they always have competitive prices. Plus they are always having sales.
Keep track of your running and buy new shoes every 400 miles or when they look worn out.
Runner’s world Shoe store finder http://www.runnersworld.com/store/search/1,7978,s6-240-417-0-0,00.html
Runner’s world shoe finder
Road Runner’s Shoe dog